This video gives a great overview of what you'll need.
Amazon has been a great online source for our supply needs. Check your local Dollar Store.
Where does quality matter? Safety pins and clear packing tape!
We get asked about these often.
White cardstock only.
Here's a well priced item on amazon
We can also help you out. Check out this post on Facebook.
FAQ Can I use off-white or grey cardstock?
We ask that you only use white. The other colors will give shoppers the feeling that the tag has aged and that your item isn't as fresh as it is. It will feel old.
If you just bought an off-white or grey color and cannot return it; use it for crafts for the kids and call us.
If you need help printing - we are happy to print tags for you after you have entered everything - no charge! Just catch us early enough before the event (a week or more) otherwise time gets a little tight for us.
Wire, retail + tube hangers are all just fine.
Here are some ideas about where to snag hangers.
We have also seen them online at big box stores as low as $13 per 100 for tubed, child-sized.
If you have problems finding them, we got you! We do offer them at cost for 10-12 cents a piece. They will be available at our office or at the venue during our setup. Just contact Shannon to arrange for pickup and payment.
The most successful JBF Consignors practice Shopper-Focused pricing. Simply Ask "What price would make me buy this item without hesitation.... and tell my friends to go RUN to the sale?"
Here are a few resources you can use. We also have pricing tips in each category type in the pink links below.
Look for the Pricing Video here
Pricing Guide; Keep it simple This guide is a great way to keep pricing simple, so you can price quickly.
Pricing Guide; Detailed! This is a very detailed pricing guide. This is great for spot checking your pricing or if you want to check on a particular item. Keep in mind that this was written as general guideline. There are ways to make it more specific to NYC.
Simplify pricing with this great video by Consignment Mommies. We whole-heartedly support the info she shares and find it to be true! There is also a good Q+A in there, but you can easily skip through if necessary.
Other good resources...
For Items like baby gear; go to ebay and check "sold listings" (bottom left of page). See what prices items actually sell at.
Local Craigslist postings.
Parent FB or Yahoo groups.
Shoppers do compare online. You can always see what the retailer is selling items for now and price it at 1/4 - 1/3 of what you can usually buy it for. Avoid pricing higher than clearance (If I can grab it at the GAP new on clearance, why would I pay more for one that is not new?). UNLESS, they are new with tags and like items are NOT currently on clearance in store because they are IN SEASON (yay!)
Online Upcycle Stores - great for checking on specific brands:
Do you want to stop and check for every single item against the detailed pricing guide? NO. You will get exhausted. We suggest using the simple guide above and then for gear and other items, do a quick check online. Always undercut what you see on ebay and other upcycle sites. Parents have been shopping around. Can you imagine, standing in front of an item, for which you don't have to ask any questions (because you can see it in person), wait to receive in the mail or pay for shipping. AND it's less expensive?!
Parents come WANTING to stock up. To find as much as they can for this next stage or season for their child. I am one of those parents (Shannon Arias here)! Mauricio and I LOVE being able to shop and find as much for our little one as possible.
Remember, YOU ARE an expert. You are selling to moms + dads just like yourself!
Traps to avoid
Pricing high. You make more if you sell more! Remember, your items will be next to someone else's, so price competitively.
Keeping Items at Full Price. Our sale has full price AND 50% off days, so you are missing out on much of that shopper traffic by leaving your items at full price. Most shoppers on these discount days are specifically looking only for items that are half-off.
Pricing high when items are marked to "reduce". You WANT your items to sell at Full Price!
NOTE: Check your REDUCE and DONATE settings in your tagging account to fit your preferences.
We have seen it! A consignor prices high, keeps everything full price and then sells very little - having a lot to come pick back up. Better to sell a ton and let the rest support charity! We LOVE writing big checks to send to our consignors and want you to have a great return for your time and effort.
Unsold items that sit back at home or in storage can also become damaged by turning color. They take up valuable space at home or cost to store. Enjoy clearing it all out at once, making the most that you can and the peace of mind that comes from knowing ALL of your gently-used items can find a new home.
This all said...if you have something special or useful you would like to save or give to a friend, by all means do so! It is totally up to you.